Ms. Bonnie Ayars, Dairy Program Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University
Farm and Dairy featured a two page article about our 2015 Dairy Palooza 4-H event that has grown significantly. Servicing the needs of our dairy 4-Hers, we now offer Palooza in the northeast and the west. Dates for next year are April 30th at the Trumbull County Fairgrounds and May 7th at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds. Many of you may be aware of this program, but take some time to view our promotional video at Funded through a 4-H Foundation grant, we think you will find it entertaining as well as informative!
Do you receive the Holstein World? Each year, the magazine sponsors a cover photo contest based upon a current theme. This year, the Buckeye Dairy Club entry was selected as the winner. While reading the story behind the cover, take some additional time to peruse our full page ad and also view the Club’s new video on YouTube titled ‘Buckeye Dairy Hype’. Buckeye pride runs deep in the dairy industry and the subject of this video should be close to your heart as you see the four legged beauties who are the featured supporting cast!
As the fall semester comes to a close, so has our dairy judging schedule. OSU students participated in 4 major contests which includes the Pennsylvania All American, Eastern States Exposition, World Dairy Expo, and the North American Livestock Show. The Scarlet team members are alum of the 4-H experience and include Cody Jodrey, Corey Jodrey, Laura Bond, and Colton Harstine. They earned a 4th place team finish at Eastern States and 8th place at World Dairy Expo. Cody earned All American status at Madison and was high individual in Ayrshire at Louisville with the team finishing 2nd in Ayrshire and 4th in Swiss. At Madison, Colton was 4th high individual in Milking Shorthorn, and Laura was 8th in Brown Swiss at Expo. A new recruit, Meghan Sanders, was high individual in Holstein at Eastern States. Other new faces judging this fall included Louis Liming, Lorie Romie, and Ella Jackson. Upcoming in January, a team will be traveling to Ft. Worth, TX to participate in the Stock Show contest.