Workshop on Responsible Antibiotic Use for Dairy Herd Health

Mr. Rory Lewandowski, Extension Agriculture Educator, Wayne County, The Ohio State University Extension

OSU Veterinary Extension, Wayne County Extension, and OSU-ATI are sponsoring a “Responsible Antibiotic Use for Dairy Herd Health” workshop.  The workshop will be held at the OSU-ATI dairy facility located at 2332 Barnard Rd outside of Apple Creek.  Use Wooster as the address for GPS navigation. Dr. Gustavo Schuenemann, OSU Extension dairy veterinarian, will teach this workshop on April 21 and April 22. The workshop will provide hands-on training to dairy producers, managers, and dairy farm employees to give them the knowledge and skills to identify and diagnose some common health problems, including metritis and mastitis in cows and pneumonia and diarrhea in calves.  Participants will also learn how to determine if an antibiotic is needed and will learn how to responsibly use antibiotics by following a set protocol, including record keeping.

The April 21 meeting will be in English and the April 22 meeting will be conducted in Spanish for native Spanish speakers.  Many dairy farms are utilizing Hispanic labor and by offering a session in Spanish, those employees that attend may be in a more comfortable learning environment. Class size is limited each day.  There is a registration cost of $10/person which includes morning refreshments, lunch, and materials.  Pre-registration is required and the registration deadline is April 15.  Register by calling the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722 or sending an email to:, and please indicate which day you will be attending.