Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University
The 2016 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference that was held April 18-20 in Ft. Wayne, IN was very successful with a record attendance of 550 and also a record number of 73 exhibitors. The pre-conference workshop on animal monitoring technology was well attended, and there were 10 undergraduates, 4 MS students, and 12 PhD students that competed in student presentations (see winners pictured below). The pre-conference symposium sponsored by Pioneer was an excellent program and was well attended. The new Hot Topics breakfast hosted by Micronutrients and the post-conference program hosted by Balchem provided attendees with additional valuable information about dairy cattle nutrition. The celebration of the 25th year anniversary included facility decorations, providing attendees a memorable milk bottle, and anniversary cake and ice cream at the hospitality time on Tuesday evening. The 2017 Conference to be held April 17-19 and DiamondV will be the sponsor for the pre-conference symposium on April 18. A pre-conference workshop on feed analytical testing is being organized by several commercial analytical laboratories. Mark your calendars for plans to attend an excellent program and make sure you bookmark the Conference’s new web address: tristatedairy.org.
Undergraduate Student Award Winners: Dr. Joanne Knapp, Fox Hollow Consulting (Co-Chair, Student Program);
Rachel Nelson, The Ohio State University (3rd place, Original Research); Danielle Andreen, Michigan State University
(2nd place, Original Research); Jordan Guy, Michigan State University (1st place, Original Research); Joshua Bukoski,
Michigan State University (1st place, Literature Review); Doug Liebe, The Ohio State University (2nd Place, Literature
Review), and Amanda Hanes, Michigan State University (3rd place, Literature Review).
MS Graduate Student Award Winners: Dr. Joanne Knapp, Fox Hollow Consulting (Co-Chair, Student
Program); Martin Mangual, Michigan State University (1st place); Bekah Meller, The Ohio State University
(2nd place, not pictured); and Ethan Carder, The Ohio State University (3rd place).
PhD Graduate Student Award Winners: Dr. Joanne Knapp, Fox Hollow Consulting (Co-Chair, Student Program);
Benjamin Wenner, The Ohio State University (1st place); Sarah Schmidt, Michigan State University (2nd place); and
Matt Faulkner, The Ohio State University (3rd place).