Dr. Maurice L. Eastridge, Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University
The 2017 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference was very successful with an attendance of 538 and 70 exhibitors. The pre-conference workshop on feed analyses was well attended, and there were 12 undergraduates, 5 MS students, and 9 PhD students that competed in student presentations. The pre-conference symposium was sponsored by DiamondV, the Hot Topics breakfast was hosted by ADM Animal Nutrition, and the post-conference program was hosted again by Balchem. This was the 26th year for the Conference, with attendees from across the US and other countries, including Canada and Hungry. The 2018 Conference to be held April 16-18 and Cumberland Valley Analytical Services will be the sponsor for the pre-conference symposium on April 17. Mark your calendars for plans to attend an excellent program and make sure you bookmark the Conference’s web address: tristatedairy.org.