Ms. Bonnie Ayars, Dairy Program Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University
Every now and then, in the midst of today's dairy economy, we just need a positive notion to hold onto! Perhaps the photo below will capture that feeling.
On April 21, more than 300 4-Hers and adults gathered for our 8th annual Dairy Palooza. It was held at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio on a sunny day. Our morning agenda included the customary Quality Assurance (QA) training sessions taught with hands-on activities by Extension educators. During this time, adults and advisors were also provided an opportunity to attend educational sessions created to also provide updates and timely information. With some time out for lunch and the group photo, attendees then rotated to three sessions of workshops in the afternoon. The topics covered included preparing for the fair, clipping and fitting, showmanship, build a calf, dairy nutrition, selecting sires, and science fun with dairy foods. Cloverbuds were also given their very own program that was taught by actual elementary teachers! Let me also mention that every session leader was a volunteer giving up a Saturday to share their expertise! It was impressive.
Each and every registered participant received a weigh tape and a thermometer which aligned to some of the QA training. Those who were able to complete the entire day had an additional opportunity to be included in door prizes, including a handmade show box and a set of new clippers. There was a semen raffle valued at $400 that generated additional interest.
In case you would like to know more about this large dairy event, we have a web page at However, this event could not take on such epic proportions without the support of generous sponsors who generously "give back" to youth. For their names, please view the link for our program on the web page.
Dairy Palooza evolved as a simple idea created by volunteers who cared! For those of us on the planning committee, we are amazed how this signature program has grown by leaps and bounds. In 2019, we will change locations to the Mahoning County Fairgrounds! We are always looking for more sponsors and more volunteers, so please contact us for information.
Thank you Susan Mykrantz of Ohio Jersey News for capturing the below scene and all the other photos.