Buckeye Dairy Club Annual Reception Held

Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University

The Buckeye Dairy Club held its annual awards reception on April 21 at the Der Dutchman in Plain City, with about 85 in attendance. Those recognized included the dairy judging and dairy challenge teams and the Club’s committee chairs and outgoing officers. The Buckeye Cow Tales yearbook was dedicated to Erin Williams for her support to the Club. The Outstanding Club member awards went to: Freshman – Cameron Hupp (Lowell, OH), Sophomore – Kate Sherman (Sunbury, OH), Junior – Hannah Meller (Wauseon, OH), and Seniors – Marina Sweet (London, OH) and Thomas Shaw (Greenville, OH). The Prestigious Member Award (includes $500 toward college costs) went to Skylar Buell (Temperance, MI). The Buckeye Dairy Club in conjunction with John and Bonnie Ayars awarded the Austin Ayars Memorial Scholarship ($5,000), with the second-year recipient being Kate Sherman. The 2018-2019 Officer Team is: President - Lexie Nunes, First Vice-President - Sarah Schuster, Second Vice-President - Cameron Hupp, Recording Secretary - Amanda Schmitmeyer, Corresponding Secretary - Billy Smith, Treasurer - Hunter Meese, Assistant Treasurer - Kate Sherman, and CFAES Representative - Hannah Maggard. The program concluded by recognizing the seniors in the Club.

Pictured: Some of the seniors of the Buckeye Dairy Club: Front row – Rachel Patton, Andraya Starr, Hannah Meller, Marina Sweet, Jaclyn Krymowski, Molly Cleveland, and Mary Wilhelm. Back row – Katherine Wolfe, Grace Moeller, Hannah Jarvis, Thomas Shaw, Joshua Keller, Chase Thut, and Jake Blackburn.