Jason Hartschuh, Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Crawford County, Ohio State University Extension
OSU Extension Dairy Working Group works hard to meet the needs of dairy farmers in every corner of Ohio. Over the past year, we have been working to connect better with dairy farmers in every corner of the State more often using Facebook and YouTube. As we conduct programs around the state, we have been recording them to post on our YouTube page “OSU Extension Dairy Working Group”. We also post these program recordings and articles that we have written to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OhioDairyIndustryResourcesCenter/ Some of the latest programs we have posted include: feed cost control, fattening up the milk check, and farm transition. We also share national Extension dairy education programs on our Facebook page; follow us to stay up-to-date on programs we are doing around the State. If you are looking for other dairy resources visit https://dairy.osu.edu/