Buckeye Dairy News: VOLUME 24: ISSUE 3

  1. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University

    Milk Prices

    In the last issue, the Class III futures for April and May were at $23.29/cwt and $23.50/cwt, respectively. Class III milk closed higher than predicted for May at $24.42/cwt, with protein and butterfat prices at $3.42/lb and $3.14/lb, respectively. The component price for protein is substantially increased over the March issue, exceeding the price per pound of butterfat. The improved component prices should help to offset increased feed costs due to changes in global feed ingredient markets. For this issue, the Class III future for June is $24.34/cwt, continuing with a slight increase in July to $24.47/cwt.

    Nutrient Prices

    It can be helpful to compare the prices in Table 1 to the 5-year averages. The current price of net energy for lactation (NEL) and metabolizable protein (MP) are about 61 and 30% higher than the 5-year averages ($0.08/Mcal and $0.41/lb, respectively), and physically effective neutral detergent fiber (pe-NDF) is about 18% higher than the 5-year average ($0.09/lb). These nutrient costs are reflective of recent trends and the increased cost of protein sources continuing through the start of summer.

    To estimate profitability at these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing milk with 3.9% fat and 3.2% protein. For the May issue, the income over nutrient cost (IONC) for cows milking 70 lb/day and 85 lb/day is about $15.72 and $16.33/cwt, respectively. As a word of caution, these estimates of IONC do not account for the cost of replacements or dry cows, or for profitability changes related to culling cows.

    Table 1. Prices of dairy nutrients for Ohio dairy farms, May 26, 2022.

    Economic Value of Feeds

    Results of the Sesame analysis for central Ohio on May 26, 2022 are presented in Table 2. Detailed results for all 26 feed commodities are reported. The lower and upper limits mark the 75% confidence range for the predicted (break-even) prices. Feeds in the “Appraisal Set” were those for which we didn’t have a local price or were adjusted to reflect their true (“Corrected”) value in a lactating diet. One must remember that SESAME™ compares all commodities at one specific point in time. Thus, the results do not imply that the bargain feeds are cheap on a historical basis. Feeds for which a price was not reported were added to the appraisal set this issue.

    Table 2. Actual, breakeven (predicted) and 75% confidence limits of 26 feed commodities used on Ohio dairy farms, May 26, 2022.

    For convenience, Table 3 summarizes the economic classification of feeds according to their outcome in the SESAME™ analysis. Feedstuffs that have gone up in price based on current nutrient values or in other words moved a column to the right since the last issue are in oversized text. Conversely, feedstuffs that have moved to the left (i.e., decreased in value) are undersized text. These shifts (i.e., feeds moving columns to the left or right) in price are only temporary changes relative to other feedstuffs within the last two months and do not reflect historical prices. Feeds added to the appraisal set were removed from this table.

    Table 3. Partitioning of feedstuffs in Ohio, May 26, 2022.

    Bargains At Breakeven Overpriced
    Alfalfa hay - 40% NDF 41% Cottonseed meal Mechanically extracted canola meal
    Feather meal Corn, ground, dry Soybean meal - expeller
    Corn silage Wheat bran 48% Soybean meal
    Distillers dried grains Soybean hulls 44% Soybean meal
    Gluten feed Whole cottonseed Solvent extracted canola meal
    Meat meal

    Gluten meal

    Blood meal
    Hominy   Whole, roasted soybeans
    Wheat middlings    

    As coined by Dr. St-Pierre, I must remind the readers that these results do not mean that you can formulate a balanced diet using only feeds in the “bargains” column. Feeds in the “bargains” column offer a savings opportunity, and their usage should be maximized within the limits of a properly balanced diet. In addition, prices within a commodity type can vary considerably because of quality differences as well as non-nutritional value added by some suppliers in the form of nutritional services, blending, terms of credit, etc. Also, there are reasons that a feed might be a very good fit in your feeding program while not appearing in the “bargains” column. For example, your nutritionist might be using some molasses in your rations for reasons other than its NEL and MP contents.


    For those of you who use the 5-nutrient group values (i.e., replace MP by rumen degradable protein and digestible rumen undegradable protein), see Table 4 below.

    Table 4. Prices of dairy nutrients using the 5-nutrient solution for Ohio dairy farms, May 26, 2022.



  2. Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute: Dairy Outlook

    Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tuscarawas County, Ohio State University Extension

    The Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University of Missouri recently released its latest U.S. Agricultural Markets Outlook.  The full report is available here: https://www.fapri.missouri.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-U.S.-Agricultural-Market-Outlook.pdf.  This article provides a summary of the dairy outlook presented in the report.


    The latest FAPRI report establishes projections for dairy to the year 2031.  The data used to make these projections were based on information available in January 2022.  FAPRI recognizes much has changed since information was gathered, especially the war in Ukraine.  The authors of the report acknowledge that several factors may potentially impact the predictions.  These factors include exports, commodity prices, input expenses, net farm income, government farm programs, and consumer food prices.

    The projections in this report assume no new ad-hoc government payments (like those related to the COVID-19 pandemic) will be provided and provisions of the 2018 Farm Bill will continue.  On a macroeconomic level, the authors recognize the uncertainty of oil markets, the likelihood interest rates will rise, and estimate corn variable costs will increase 2.2% per year.

    Dairy Outlook

    The number of dairy cows in the United States has dropped more than 130,000 head from the peak in May 2021.  Rising feed costs and reduced profitability are major reasons for the drop in inventory.  Milk prices have improved substantially, with dairy producers expected to increase cow numbers later this year.  Milk production is expected to increase only 0.6% this year, the second smallest since 2013.

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    The FAPRI outlook shows encouraging numbers for price, exports, and demand.  International demand for U.S. dairy products is expected to remain positive. 

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    While the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program is not expected to make a payment this year, it continues to be an important risk management tool.  Improved prices will likely result in increased cow numbers which are projected to result in declining prices, resulting in a decline in the margin.

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    Moving Forward

    The projections provided in this report are well researched given the information available today but are subject to change.  Weather, geopolitics, and many other factors are unknown and can’t be controlled.  However, I encourage you to manage what you can control and consider the following recommendations:

    • Know your cost of production. What is it costing you to produce each 100 pounds of milk?  If the price forecast in this report is true, can you make money?  If not, what changes do you need to make? 
    • Consider enrolling in the OSU Extension Farm Business Analysis and Benchmarking Program (https://farmprofitability.osu.edu/) to complete a whole-farm and enterprise analysis.
    • Use budgets and scenarios to plan.  OSU Extension Enterprise Budgets for corn, corn silage, and alfalfa are updated and available here: https://farmoffice.osu.edu/farm-management/enterprise-budgets.
    • Meet with your Extension Educator to review budgets and plans.
    • Talk with your input providers.  What are they able to tell you about input price projections?
    • Keep your lender informed of your finances and plans.
    • Talk to family members about the future of your business.
    • Stay tuned to what is happening around the globe and the potential impacts to agriculture and your business.
  3. USDA ERS Dairy Outlook: May 2022

    Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tuscarawas County, Ohio State University Extension

    The latest Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook (https://downloads.usda.library.cornell.edu/usda-esmis/files/g445cd121/1g05gj33z/wh247x14t/LDP-M-335.pdf) was released May 18, 2022.  In this outlook, the United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (USDA ERS) provided an analysis of projections for each of these commodities.  This article provides a summary of the dairy sector outlook.

    Supply & Use Data

    Data provided by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) indicate a mixed bag of inventory and production numbers. Compared to March 2020, U.S. milk production was 0.5% lower in March 2022.  The number of milk cows in March 2022 (9.395 million) was 15,000 head more than the previous month but 87,000 fewer than the inventory in March 2021.

    Compared to March 2021, milk production per cow increased eight pounds to 2,096 pounds per head.  After a steady decline in milk cow numbers from June 2021 to January 2022, there was an increase in cow numbers in February and March of 2022.

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    Feed Price Outlook

    Not surprisingly, the corn price projection increased from $5.90 per bushel (2021/2022 marketing year) to $6.75 per bushel (2022/2023 marketing year; see table below).  This outlook does estimate a slight decline in soybean meal and a slight increase in alfalfa.


    2021/2022 Marketing Year

    2022/2023 Marketing Year




    Soybean Meal



    The alfalfa hay price in March 2022 was $221 per ton, an increase of $7 compared to February and $44 greater than the March 2021 price.  The five-state weighted average for premium alfalfa was $269 per ton in March.  This is an increase of $3 per ton compared to February 2022 and $59 greater compared to March 2021.

    Infant Formula Shortage

    In mid-February 2022, a major manufacturer of infant formula issued a recall of certain powder produced domestically.  USDA is encouraging states to take advantage of flexibilities being offered through the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program to allow families to get the essential formula nutrients needed.

    Demand for lactose and whey protein concentrate (WPC) products that meet the strict requirements for infant formula is strong, but supplies are very tight.  The current shortage may have increased imports of preparations suitable for infants.  While imports have increased, supplies remain tight because of domestic demand.

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    2022 Forecasts

    For 2022, the U.S. milking herd is expected to average 9.4 million head, 30,000 more than last month’s forecast.  Milk cow numbers are expected to increase during the third quarter of the year before leveling off in the fourth quarter.

    Milk per cow is expected to average 24,120 pounds in 2022.  With an expected increase in cow numbers, total milk production for 2022 is estimated at 226.7 billion pounds, an increase of 0.4 billion from last month’s forecast. Class III milk is expected to be $22.75 /cwt.  Class IV was lowered $0.25 to $23.80/cwt, and the all-milk price for 2022 is projected to be $25.75/cwt.

    2023 Forecasts

    For 2023, the U.S. miking herd is expected to average 9.4 million head.  Milk per cow is expected to increase 1.2% to 24,420 pounds per head.  Total milk production is forecast to increase 1.2% more than 2022, to a total of 229.5 billion pounds.

    Greater milk production combined with relatively stable demand is projected to negatively impact milk pricing.  Price projections for 2023:

    • Class III $20.50 per cwt
    • Class IV $21.40 per cwt
    • All-milk $23.55 per cwt


    Yes, much will change between now and 2023, but I encourage you to consider this and other reliable information as you plan.  If these milk price projections are true, can you be profitable?  If not, what changes will you need to make?

    I encourage you to develop various budget scenarios, talk with input suppliers, and lean on your trusted advisors.

  4. Whole Cow’s Milk to Aid in Infant Formula Shortage

    Jamie Hampton, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources and Sarah Amelung, Program Assistant, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Education Program, Auglaize County, Ohio State University Extension

    Cow’s make some of the most nutrient dense foods that we know of. But can we feed it to infants?  This is the million-dollar question. There is no short answer. With the formula shortage and parents struggling to find milk for their babies, the light has turned to the dairy industry to help provide that answer.

    For children over 6 months of age that are on a regular formula and do not have any specific dietary issues or restrictions, whole cow’s milk may be an option. This does not include any other animal milk option. If you are out of formula and cannot find formula, call your pediatrician and discuss with them the option of using whole cow’s milk for a brief period. It is not recommended to use cow’s milk for more than a week for children of this age.

    Cow’s milk provides many essential nutrients, including protein, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12, potassium, zinc, choline, magnesium, and selenium. But there are some nutrients that babies need that is lacking in cow’s milk, such as iron and vitamin C. The protein and fat in cow’s milk cannot be digested properly by infants under 1 year of age, causing stress on their kidneys and intestines. 

    If you find yourself in a position that you need to use cow’s milk for your infant, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you start with a half formula, half whole milk mixture. This will help the child with the change in taste, and it will help the gut of the child adjust to the new digestion that will need to take place. It is important to use full fat milk and monitor your child for possible food allergies during this transition and to keep in contact with your child’s pediatrician. Signs of allergies can include blood in the stool, vomiting, signs of dehydration and/or rash. If you notice these signs, call your pediatrician right away.

    You may be wondering when is a good time to introduce baby to dairy? According to an article by Dr. Elizabeth Zmuda DO FAAP, FACOP, babies that can sit up and start to show interest in solid food usually around 6 months of age. As the baby moves from purees to thicker foods, you can start to introduce foods such as cottage cheese and yogurt. It used to be advised to wait to introduce foods that may cause an allergy until the baby is one to two years old; however, it has been shown that earlier exposure decreases the risk of food allergy. If your family has a history of food allergies, talk to your pediatrician before introducing this food.

    At 12 months, a baby can begin to transition from breastmilk or formula to whole cow’s milk. Milk provides essential nutrients; with 2 to 3 servings of dairy products per day, your baby will continue to get the nutrition they need to grow and develop. Health experts recommend water and cow’s milk as the primary beverage for children 1 to 5 years of age. Dairy can be part of a healthy diet throughout life, thus drinking milk with your child models a healthy lifestyle for them.  

    Web based references:

    American Academy of Pediatrics (Aap.org)


    US Department of Agriculture (Usda.gov)


  5. Over-the-Counter Antibiotics Will Require Veterinary Oversight (Rx) Beginning in June of 2023

    Dr. Gustavo M. Schuenemann, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The Oho State University

    In June of 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that all medically important antimicrobials will move from over-the-counter (OTC) to prescription (Rx) within a 2- year implementation period. The Center for Veterinary Medicine guidance for industry #263 (GFI 263) outlines the process for animal drug suppliers to change the approved marketing status of certain antimicrobial drugs for use in non-food (companion), food-producing animals, or both, that are currently approved with OTC marketing status. In 2003, FDA ranked antimicrobials according to their relative importance to human medicine: “critically important,” “highly important,” or “important.” The FDA considers all antimicrobial drugs listed in Appendix A to GFI #152 to be “medically important”.

    On September 14, 2018, the FDA unveiled a 5-year action plan for supporting antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary settings. The FDA is implementing GFI #263 as part of its broader plan to control antimicrobial resistance via the judicious use of antimicrobials in animals within our community and food supply. This process is driven by the concept that medically important antimicrobial drugs should only be used in animals when deemed necessary for the treatment, control, or prevention of specific diseases. The FDA, via GFI #263, places the responsibility for the use of medically important antimicrobials under the oversight of a licensed veterinarian (from large to small animals).

    What species are included?

    From companion dogs and cats to backyard poultry, and from rabbits and show pigs to large livestock farms. The same restrictions will apply to all companion and farm animal species.

    When will these new changes become effective?

    Beginning in June of 2023, or sooner, depending on when the manufacturer changes their labeling.

    What do these federal regulatory changes mean to you and your livestock operation, as well as veterinary practices?

    By June of 2023, all medically important antibiotics currently available at most feed or farm supply stores will now require veterinary oversight (written Rx) to be used in animals, even if the animals are not intended for food production. Examples of affected antibiotics include injectable penicillin and oxytetracycline. In addition, some retail suppliers who were able to sell these drugs/products in the past may no longer sell them after June of 2023. This means that small and large animal veterinarians should be prepared for an increase in calls and visits from animal owners who previously may have purchased these drugs over the counter at their local farm supply store. To continue using medically important antimicrobials, you may need to establish a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR). Consult your veterinarian for more information.

    What is a veterinarian-client-patient-relationship?

    A veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR) is defined by the American Veterinary Medical Association as the basis for interaction among veterinarians, their clients, and their patients and is critical to the health of your animal(s). The practical explanation is that it is a formal relationship that you have with a veterinarian who serves as your primary contact for all veterinary services and is familiar with you, your livestock/animals, and your farm operation. This veterinarian is referred to as your Veterinarian of Record (VoR), and both the VoR and the client should sign a form to document this relationship.

    Prevention and Future Considerations

    There are effective ways to reduce the dependency of antimicrobials. Every livestock operation is an integrated system; decisions made in one area of the farm will have an impact on other areas of the farm. Perhaps reviewing the consistency of your feeding program (making sure animals receive a balanced diet), vaccination program, considering the genetic selection of animals for improved health, or visiting new housing facilities designed for best animal comfort are holistic ways of reducing antimicrobial use at the herd or flock level. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Look for more upcoming articles on prevention and ways to reduce antimicrobial use.

    Helpful resources:

    1. You can download a VCPR template developed by the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association Drug Use Task Force at: https://vet.osu.edu/extension/general-food-fiber-animal-resources.
    1. CVM GFI #263 Recommendations for Sponsors of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs Approved for Use in Animals to Voluntarily Bring Under Veterinary Oversight All Products That Continue                    to be        Available                 Over-the-Counter:             https://www.fda.gov/regulatory- information/search-fda-guidance-documents/cvm-gfi-263-recommendations-sponsors- medically-important-antimicrobial-drugs-approved-use-animals/
    1. List        of     Approved    New    Animal    Drug    Applications    Affected    by   GFI     #263: https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/judicious-use-antimicrobials/list-approved-new-  animal-drug-applications-affected-gfi-263/.
    1. Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD): https://vet.osu.edu/sites/vet.osu.edu/files/documents/extension/Brochure_VFD.pdf
    1. FDA 2003. Guidance for Industry #152, “Evaluating the Safety of Antimicrobial New Animal Drugs with Regard to their Microbiological Effects on Bacteria of Human Health Concern,” Appendix A. https://www.fda.gov/media/69949/download.
  6. Alternative Forages – What are they really?

    Haley Zynda, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Wayne County, Ohio State University Extension

    The talk of alternative forages has really taken the grazers and haymakers by storm, and I, too, have been swept up in the promise of extending grazing seasons and beating the summer slump with warm season annual grasses. I had the pleasure of attending the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana in April with the likes of professors, graduate students and Extension personnel from Michigan State, Purdue, and Ohio State Universities and industry dairy nutritionists. Alternative forages happened to be one of the topics presented by Dr. Ferreira of Virginia Tech.

    He started off with three questions to frame the conversation:

    1. Does the definition of an alternative forage exist?
    2. These forages are alternative to what?
    3. Why do we need an alternative forage?

    He proceeded to unpack a lot of information in his 40-minute presentation and gave a new perspective on forages in general and what to consider when planning an alternative forage route. Let’s start off with the first question.

    What is the definition of an alternative forage? An alternative forage is one that is outside the norm that aids the producer in meeting production goals or better fits in with the mission of the farm business. Essentially, this definition will vary from operation to operation; there is no one definition that fits all production practices because each operation has differing goals and missions.

    This leads to question two – alternative to what? In the world of dairy nutrition, corn silage is king and alfalfa is his leguminous queen. Small grain silages, sorghum-sudangrass silages, and even mixed grass hay (scandalous!) are all considered alternative forages for dairy cattle. While all the former feedstuffs are valid in their nutritional content, they may just be less efficient at supplying the required nutrients to lactating cows than corn silage or alfalfa silage may be. It’s along the lines of, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat,” but there’s usually a quicker or most efficient way to do it.

    So why are we needing an alternative forage? Question three brings the alternative forage scheme full circle; there are a plethora of reasons as to why producers select alternative forages. The broad umbrellas that the goals may fall under are land use, environmental concerns, costs, and nutritional needs.

    Perhaps the easiest example to discuss first is the use of small grains as a cover crop in a corn and soybean cropping system; this falls under the land use umbrella. In a perfect system where the weather cooperates to allow corn to be planted and harvested on time, the small grain to be promptly planted after the corn is off, and then small grain harvest/straw production to happen early enough in the summer to allow for a crop of beans to be put in, the benefits would be twofold – the cover crop would prevent soil erosion and be an additional forage source for the herd.

    Now, given that we are usually dealt a more difficult hand when it comes to weather events, the benefits of the double crop may actually be overestimated. According to Dr. Ferreira, the key to actualizing the maximum benefit of this system is to plant the small grain as soon as possible. Perhaps this means selecting an earlier maturing corn variety but realize this may result in a corn yield discount compared to long-season varieties. He concluded in saying double cropping may not always lead to increased forage tonnage as compared to two full-season crops, and careful analysis and measurement is warranted before decisions are made. Sometimes, the value of cover crops may only be in preventing soil erosion if harvest interferes too greatly with other full-season crops.

    The alternative forage discussion is not easily kept to just one article so stay tuned for more information to come in the next edition of Buckeye Dairy News. I’ll continue with Dr. Ferreira’s work on the cost of alternative forages – the results may just surprise you!

  7. Bring on the Heat

    Haley Zynda, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Wayne County, Ohio State University Extension

    With warm weather on the forecast, it is time to start thinking about heat stress and its impacts on your dairy cattle. Just as we have our comfortable temperatures in which we keep our homes in the summer or winter, dairy cows are the same. They have upper and lower critical temperatures, or temperature thresholds at which cows must expend extra energy to cool or warm themselves. Dairy cows have a pretty large threshold – between 25 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit – meaning that below 25 or above 65 degrees, their energy requirements will change. However, humidity also plays a large role in heat stress. Because of daily variability in humidity and temperature, the temperature-humidity index (THI) has been developed to neatly portray the weighted effects across a wide range of values for each factor. According to researchers at the University of Arizona, the THI at which heat stress begins is 72. So, for example, on a sunny July afternoon in Ohio, the temperature may be 84˚ with 5% humidity. The THI in that case is 70, below the threshold. Now, let’s say it’s the same July day except a pop-up shower just rolled through. Now, the humidity is 15%. That bumps the THI to 72 and your cows may start to feel the effects of the heat.

    But what are these effects that we’re concerned about when temperature and humidity are on the rise? The negative impact of heat stress on milk production is likely the greatest concern when we approach these warm months. The decrease in production has a 1 to 2-day lag time from the time that the heat was impactful; however, some research has shown the THI needs to be 74 or greater for at least 4 days before lactation is affected. Milk and milk fat yields is cyclical to begin with and bottoms out in the summer, but adding extreme heat to the mix can likely exacerbate the issue. This decrease in milk yield is probably attributed to the decreased dry matter intake during the heat spell. Cows tend to decrease their appetite when they are hot to minimize the endogenous heat production caused by ruminal fermentation.

    Additionally, rebreeding cows may also be delayed in the summer for several factors related to heat stress. Estrous behavior is noted to be reduced in both time and intensity, decreasing the chance for visual observation. If estrus detection aids are used, such as a breeding indicator patch, cows may still be missed for rebreeding as mounting behavior is also decreased in summer.

    Other changes that may be observed in heat stressed dairy cows are increased thirst and respiration rate (panting). Dairy cows become severely dehydrated when water loss equals 12% of their body weight, and with exhalation being a main form of water loss, panting and water loss go hand-in-hand. On extremely hot days, providing enough water is essential to prevent hyperthermia and its effects, such as inability to quench thirst and muscle fatigue.

    To prevent your cows from hitting the summer slump too hard, consider the following heat abatement strategies:

    • Industrial fans – The THI can be decreased by 1 unit with every 1 mph increase in wind speed. High-volume, low-speed fans or box fans are both options depending on space availability, but make sure to keep up on maintenance of both for optimum air and electrical efficiency.
    • Misters – Spraying a fine mist into fans can cool the air in the barn, thus decreasing the temperature of the air cows breathe in.
    • Sprinklers – Setting up overhead sprinklers to soak the cows’ hide works in the same way that sweating does, except the cow doesn’t have to spend the energy to perspire.
    • Adding shade structures – If cows are housed on pasture, a tree, shade cloth, or simple roofed structure can provide some relief from direct sunlight.
    • Barn architecture – If a new or remodeled facility is in your future, think about its position for both sunrise/sunset and prevailing winds. University of Kentucky Extension recommends an east/west direction to prevent as much direct sunlight as possible and likely matches natural wind direction. A 4:12 roof pitch with ridge vent and cap are suitable for moving hot air up and out of the barn. Large enough sidewall gaps are also essential for maximum airflow in the summer.

    Regardless of the tactic you use, be sure to remain vigilant in monitoring your cows for signs of heat stress or dehydration and remember to stay cool yourself!

  8. Duane Logan Inducted into the Dairy Hall of Service

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University

    A person in a suit and tie

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceIn 1952, The Dairy Hall of Service was formed at The Ohio State University to recognize individuals who have made a substantial and noteworthy contribution toward the improvement of the dairy industry of Ohio, elevated the stature of dairy farmers, or inspired students enrolled at OSU. The 2022 recipient of this award is Duane Logan.

    Duane Logan received the BS in Dairy Science from Ohio State University in 1978 and was a member of the OSU dairy judging team. In 1999-2000, he participated in the OSU Ohio Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program.

    Duane served as herd manager of his family’s 195-cow registered Holstein herd in Trumbull County until it was dispersed in 1994. From 1986-1994, Duane served as a member of the Ohio Holstein Sale Committee, and in 1994, he received the Buckeye Breed Builder award from the Ohio Holstein Association. Duane served as a director of COBA/Select Sires and the Ohio Dairy Farmers Federation, and on the advisory board for Farm Credit Services.           

    In 1994, Duane was hired to oversee the COBA/Select Sires field staff in the states of Ohio and western Pennsylvania, as well as managing the inventory and distribution of semen to employees.  In 2013, Duane was selected as the fifth General Manager of COBA/Select Sires, and he served in that role until he retired in December 2021. In 2020 Duane received the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association’s Honor Award.

    Having been a member of the 1973 Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging team and the Ohio State team in 1976, Duane recognized the importance of encouraging dairy youth.  For many years in his various roles, especially as general manager of COBA, he continually supported the educational development of youth through scholarships.

    As described by one of his nominators, he is an “example of a leader that has demonstrated passion, commitment, and service to the dairy industry.” His support for the development of youth, regardless of age, has been continually exemplified.  Duane currently resides in Arizona. We thank him for his many years of service to the dairy industry and his commitment to youth. We congratulate him on this well-served award as an inductee into the Dairy Hall of Service.

  9. Happy Retirement to Dianne Shoemaker

    Haley Shoemaker, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Columbiana and Mahoning Counties and Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, Tuscarawas County, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ohio State University Extension

    Dianne Shoemaker | Agriculture and Natural Resources
    After more than 30 years with Ohio State University Extension, Dianne Shoemaker, Field Specialist, Dairy Production Economics, is retiring June 30, 2022. 

    Growing up in Worthington, Ohio didn’t exactly lend itself to her being around many dairy farms early on; however, Dianne’s interest in cattle and the dairy industry was peaked during regular family visits to Wisconsin.  This interest developed into a tangible goal and vision for her career throughout her time as a student at the Ohio State University, where she dove into the world of dairy “boots first” while working at the university dairy farm. 

    This experience led to a six-month internship in Switzerland milking Simmentals, along with the opportunity to tour with Elsie the cow during her days as an undergraduate student. 

    Following graduation, Dianne worked as a herdsperson at a dairy in Highland County and was a DHIA Supervisor before returning to OSU to earn her master’s degree.  Dianne then began her career with Ohio State University Extension in 1986.

    As the first female county ag agent in Ohio, Dianne knew that simply “doing her job” wouldn’t cut it.  By approaching each task and project with honesty and a refreshing sense of integrity, she quickly earned the trust and confidence of both her co-workers and clientele.  It is because of this consistent approach to her work that she has enjoyed a very successful career educating farmers and farm families throughout Ohio.

    Like many county-based Extension professionals, Dianne has seen a lot over her career and has had to adapt to the everchanging needs of her clientele.  In Northeast Ohio in the 1980s and early 90s, that meant switching gears from dairy and milk to a crop most would probably associate with Idaho – potatoes.  With limited knowledge of potato production and harvesting, Dianne made numerous farm visits to gain hands-on experience.  These farm visits helped her create lasting relationships with farmers that would continue as her career evolved.

    Throughout her time in Extension, Dianne has also become known as a visionary leader.  At a time of downsizing and restructuring within OSU Extension, Dianne recognized the need to bring together a group of university professionals to address the issues facing Ohio’s dairy producers.  As a result, the OSU Extension Dairy Working Group was formed and still meets to this day.  Under Dianne’s leadership, the group has taught numerous educational programs, developed a website to house dairy resources, written fact sheets, conducted team study tours, and produced the popular “Dairy Excel 15 Measures of Dairy Farm Competitiveness” bulletin.  This bulletin has been used by farmers and advisors across the United States.

    Another example of Dianne’s visionary leadership is with the OSU Extension Farm Business Analysis and Benchmarking Program.  This program uses a computerized software to analyze the financial performance of farm businesses.  Since her start with the program, she has successfully secured grant dollars to aid in the completion of analyses and produce annual statewide dairy and crop financial summaries.  In recent years, upon hiring additional technicians, she has also been able to expand the program and continue Ohio’s contribution of farm financial data to the national database.  This expansion has allowed the program to include more grain farms and crop acres across Ohio, providing vitally important information to a larger segment of Ohio agriculture.

    You’ve likely also seen Dianne’s smiling face in the Farm and Dairy newspaper.  With approximately 180 articles authored by Dianne published in the Farm and Dairy and numerous others printed in state and national publications, her work has reached far beyond the borders of Ohio agriculture.

    Dianne has been recognized by her peers for her outstanding teaching, leadership, and service to her profession, having received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.  She also received the OSU Excellence in Extension Award and was recognized as the North Central Region Excellence in Extension Award winner for farm business management education efforts that help dairy farms improve profitability and sustainability.

    Dianne has led a storied and distinguished career with OSU Extension and has made a lasting impact with the many colleagues, dairy farms, and farm families who had the pleasure of working with her.  It is safe to say that her work has laid a strong and sturdy foundation for those to come; however, filling her shoes will be no easy task. 

    As for future plans, there will likely be many days spent with family, friends, and spoiling her grandchild!

    We wish Dianne the best in her retirement, and hope that we can someday look back on our careers with the same pride and sense of accomplishment. 

    And to Dianne – we thank you for your tireless dedication to OSU Extension and to Ohio’s farmers.  May your retirement be full of joy, new adventures, and reasons to laugh – you’ve earned it!


  10. Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza

    Bonnie Ayars, Dairy Program Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University

    Although it was a long time coming, the 10th anniversary of Dairy Palooza took place at the Wayne County Fairgrounds on April 30. It was a “leap of faith” as the committee began making plans back in the winter. However, not one soul was willing to dismiss the idea of planning the big goals needed to undertake the project. Evidently, our sponsors believed too, as their response was equally as strong in their commitment.

    Although our surroundings are somewhat rustic and possibly lack some technology, we delivered on our promise of “making the best better” for this special anniversary. Our purple color reflected that of champions in all our publicity and the fact that complimentary halters and souvenir t-shirts were also coordinated in that shade. We even gave digital thermometers for each attendee, but they were unavailable in purple.

    Palooza began as a simple idea for dairy club members to learn through hands-on activities. The Grammers were generous and provided their farm as our first setting. As they say, the rest is history. Then through the generosity and support of so many volunteers, educators, and businesses, we quickly grew by leaps and bounds. So for 2022, we reflected on our memories and even a display of all the t-shirts.

    The morning program was consumed with the quality assurance (QA) topics and a writing workshop dedicated to thank yous. After a hearty dairy lunch and networking, there was a photo opportunity in those purple t-shirts. The afternoon program content included multiple workshops for all ages on all subjects related to a dairy 4-H project. Showmanship and clipping and fitting, plus Dr. Horton’s science antics are perennial favorites. However, there was another workshop on animal welfare by Dr. Pempek of OSU and others that included an actual udder and reproductive tract. Turn a corner and American Dairy Association Mid-East displayed all kinds of products with taste sampling. Even oranges served a grand purpose with a veterinarian demonstration on injections, and bovine nutrition was also spotlighted. If you had dairy feeders, there was a time slot for your special interests and there was an entire sample farm display where 4-Hers could demonstrate cattle movement practices! Every workshop had a goal of connecting to the content provided in the morning QA workshops. Even Cloverbuds were offered a separate program with superhero dairy capes, flag folding, creating a dairy feed ration, plus artistry as they painted their favorite cow. Not to be outdone by a focus on youth, the program included adult sessions on social media, showmanship guidelines, dairy products, and State updates. One of the real highlights for advisors was the “unveiling” of the new Dairy Heifer and Cow project book!

    As the program came to a close, useful door prizes were presented to those who stayed for the entire day. One lucky young lady came with a dream and a hope to win the handmade show box. She was speechless when her name was called out. Her story is not unlike other attendees, but she was the fortunate and thankful recipient.

    Dairy Palooza is a one-of-kind event not offered in any other state. Our content has been the recipients of grants, state awards, and even written up in Hoard’s Dairyman. It does not take place without the efforts and quality time provided by our planning committee of Lisa Gress (Chair), Mike Janik, Julie Martig, Eileen Wolf, Sarah Thomas, Sherry Smith, and myself. Layer in all the presenters, donators, and behind the scenes people and you have an extraordinary group of selfless people dedicated to the cause of educating the next generation. If you would like to view our programs and a special celebration video, visit our Facebook page, Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza.

    Whether you were a seasoned attendee at Dairy Palooza or this was your first time, the focus of the day was to educate and train all attendees to become “champions” with and for their dairy projects (Figure 1). That purple halter is just a beginning to what happens at the rope’s end!

    A picture containing person, sport, crowd, auditorium

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    Figure 1. Picture of participants at the 10th anniversary of Dairy Palooza.