Jason Hartschuh, Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State University Extension
This winter, the OSU Extension Digital Ag team is offering a 6-part Zoom series on precision livestock farming. Click here to view the flyer. Programs will begin on Wednesday, January 31st from noon to 1:00 pm and continue for 6 weeks. Each program will feature a different speaker on various precision livestock topics. Three of the topics will be of particular interest to dairy producers. The first on January 31st will focus on utilizing drones and remote imagery to determine forage quality and quantity in pasture and hay fields. Dr. Josh Jackson, Assistant Extension Professor with the University of Kentucky, will be our featured speaker for this presentation. The next program of interest will be on February 28th on using activity and temperature monitoring for dairy calf, heifer, and cow management. The featured speaker for this presentation will be Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock. The last topic while being a beef-focused presentation will be on March 6th featuring new technology for pen-side diagnosis of the pathogen that is causing Bovine Respiratory Disease in your cattle to improve treatment recommendations. The featured speaker for this presentation is Dr. Mohit Verma, Assistant Professor, Agriculture and Biological Engineering at Purdue University.
Other programs will feature technology for sheep, swine, and poultry producers.
To sign up for these programs, register for free at go.osu.edu/plf24