Ohio State University Extension is holding a series of Dairy Heifer Replacement programs at locations around Ohio. Topics of discussion are: Heifer Nutrition, Housing Heifers, Business Management, Heifer Reproduction, and Keeping Heifers Healthy. Speakers will include Bill Weiss, Maurice Eastridge, Normand St-Pierre, Dianne Shoemaker, Tom Noyes, Joe Beiler, and Amanda Hargett; however, speakers will differ by location. If you are interested in getting into raising heifers, already raise heifers, or want to improve heifer management on your dairy farm, check the schedule below for the location nearest you!
These are scheduled as one-day programs. Registration fees include a comprehensive notebook and lunch. Registration fees may differ by site. Extra notebooks are available at $20 each; contact Amanda Hargett at 614-688-3143 or hargett.5@osu.edu.
April 1, 2003 - Williamsfield, OH. Contact Dave Marrison at 440-576-9008.
April 2, 2003 - Ottawa, OH. Contact Glen Arnold or Tim Demland at 419-523-6294.
April 3, 2003 - OSU Centers South in Piketon, with satellite links to: South Centers in Jackson, Fayette County Extension Office, and Southern State Community College - Fincastle. Contact Dave Mangione at 740-286-2177.
April 10, 2003 - Dutch Valley Restaurant, Sugarcreek OH. Contact Chris Zoller at