Ms. Amanda Hargett, State Dairy Extension Associate, Ohio State University (top of page)
The 13th annual Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference (TSDNC) will be held April 27 & 28, 2004 at the Grand Wayne Center in Fort Wayne, IN. The objective of the Conference is to disseminate current information on the nutrition and feeding of dairy cattle primarily to individuals who provide nutritional advice to dairy farmers. Feed industry personnel, nutrition consultants, Extension personnel, veterinarians, and interested dairy producers are encouraged to attend. The Conference is sponsored by The Ohio State, Michigan State, and Purdue Universities and allied industries. The registration fee is $130 per person (discounts are available for groups of 10 or more) and is due by April 9, 2004. Registration after the deadline and at the door is $155. The registration fee includes refreshments during breaks and the reception, one breakfast, and a copy of the Proceedings. Additional copies of the Proceedings will be available at $20/copy.
A free pre-conference program is sponsored by Alpharma Animal Health titled "Maximizing Calf and Heifer Performance by Minimizing Disease". This program takes place from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon on April 27, with a complimentary breakfast buffet starting at 7:00 am. Registration for the TSDNC begins at 11:00 am on April 27, with the program starting at 12:50 pm. The Conference concludes at 12:30 PM on April 28. The themes this year are Nutrition and Animal Health, Heifer Management, and Feed Ingredients.
The Ruminant Feed Analysis Consortium has invited all TSDNC attendees to a Wine and Cheese Reception and Public Information Session for those individuals interested in feed composition and ration formulation on April 26 at 8:00 PM Contact Paul Kononoff for more information at (603) 862-1815.
For additional information on the Conference or to register, contact Amanda Hargett at OSU (614) 688-3143 or go to our web site: Additional information also is available by contacting: Dr. Maurice Eastridge, The Ohio State University, (614) 688-3059; Dr. Herbert Bucholtz, Michigan State University, (517) 355-8432; or Dr. Timothy Johnson, Purdue University, (765) 494-4810.