Results of 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University 

The 2005 Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl contest was held on May 14 on the OSU campus in Columbus. There were seven junior teams that competed, with teams coming from Champaign, Mahoning, and Wayne Counties. Champaign County was the champion junior team, and one of the Wayne County teams was the reserve champion junior team (see pictures below).There were not enough seniors this year to conduct a senior division contest, thus Ohio will not have a team at the national contest held in November at the North American International Livestock Exposition held in Louisville, KY. However, Ohio will have a senior team consisting of youth from Wayne and Fairfield Counties at the Quiz Bowl Contest held in October at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI. The Quiz Bowl program is an excellent opportunity for youth to focus on learning about the broad scope of the dairy industry in a fun, competitive environment. The Ohio Quiz Bowl Contest is sponsored by American Dairy Association & Dairy Council Mideast, Farm Credit Services, Ohio Purebred Dairy Cattle Association, and Vreba-Hoff Dairy Development. You are encouraged to consider becoming a leader in your area to foster youth to participate in this excellent program.

Champaign County (First Place) - Back row: Ann Randall, Rachel Townsley,
and Tad Nelson. Front row: Garrett King, Hillary Jackson, and Ethan Starkey.

Wayne County (Second Place) - Paige Moore, Jordan Moore, Diane Gress,
and Eileen Gress.