Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University
Youth in Ohio competed in two contests in 2005. Allison Stammen (Darke County), Jodi Reutter (Holmes County), Esther Rupp (Wayne County), and Erin Bardall (Harrison County) competed at the World Dairy Expo on October 3 in Madison, WI. The team placed 7th overall out of 30 teams and placed 9th in reasons, 3rd in Brown Swiss, and 6th in Jersey. At the North American International Livestock Exposition held in Louisville, KY during November, the Ohio 4-H team consisted of Joel Bourne ( Darke County), Laura Gordon (Wayne County), Kaleb Kohler (Fairfield County), and Matt Weeman (Wayne County). The team placed 11th overall out of 23 teams and placed 2nd in Ayrshire, 3rd in Brown Swiss, and 5th in Holstein. Matt Weeman was 5th in Brown Swiss and 9th in Holstein. The team was coached by Mr. John Lemmermen with the OSU Department of Animal Sciences.
The 2005 Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging team at the North American International
Livestock Exposition included: (from left to right) John Lemmermen, Coach,
Laura Gordon, Matt Weeman, Kaleb Kohler, and Joel Bourne.