Ms. Kim Haines, Communications Manager, ADADC Mid East
The American Dairy Association & Dairy Council (ADADC) Mid East is the local dairy farmer-funded promotion organization responsible for increasing demand for milk and dairy products. We work closely with Dairy Management, Inc., the national dairy promotion organization, to implement advertising, promotion, education, and research programs nationwide.
The ADADC Mid East recognizes that dairy farmers have a strong voice within their communities and are pleased to provide materials to assist with local dairy and agricultural promotions. Some of these materials include pencils, key chains, bumper stickers, posters, and brochures.
Materials are free to dairy farmers, princesses, and processors within the ADADC Mid East territory. Materials are also available at no charge to agriculture Extension educators and agriculture-related organizations who are conducting dairy or agriculture promotions. To order these items, please visit or call 1-800-292-MILK.