Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University
The Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association was held July 9-13 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Awards received by OSU personnel included: 1) Dr. Normand St-Pierre was awarded the Merial Dairy Management Research Award, 2) Dr. Bill Weiss was awarded the Pioneer Hi-Bred Forage Award, 3) Alejandro Relling (conducted his research under the direction of Dr. Chris Reynolds) was awarded the first place recognition by the Land O'Lakes, Purina Feed LLC for the Graduate Student Poster Contest in Dairy Production, 4) Laurie Winkelman (conducted her research under the direction of Dr. Chris Reynolds) was awarded the first place recognition for outstanding Graduate Student Presentation in Dairy Production by the National Milk Producers Federation, 5) Laurie was also awarded the second place recognition for the Graduate Student Poster Contest in Dairy Production, and 6) Amanda Todd (conducted her research under the direction of Dr. Maurice Eastridge) was recognized for third place in the ADSA undergraduate student paper competition (original research category).