Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University
eXtension (http://www.extension.org) is an educational partnership of more than 70 universities to help you improve your life every day with access to objective, research-based information and educational opportunities. The features of eXtension are: 1) provides information to you any time, any place, any format and on any Internet-ready device, 2) is available to you 24/7/365, whenever you need to make decisions to improve your life, to answer life questions, or to learn more about any topic available, 3) has the national shared strength of the Land Grant University System customized to focus on your needs where you live, 4) its content is dynamic and evolving, offering you timely information on topics that matter to you, and 5) complements and enhances the community-based Cooperative Extension System of the land-grant universities, a resource you now have at your fingertips. The topical areas in eXtension are referred to as Communities of Practice (COP). The internet content for the COP for Dairy Cattle (http://www.extension.org/dairy_cattle) was released on October 1, 2007, just in time for debuting at the World Dairy Expo.