
Search results

  1. Seminar: Dave Mackey, Associate Professor, Dept of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State

    Collaborative targeting of the plant defense network by bacterial virulence factors.  Kottman 244 ...

  2. First day of Autumn Semester 2014

    Welcome to Autumn Semester!  Semester and first session classes begin. ...

  3. Seminar: Anna Conrad, PhD student, Plant Pathology, Ohio State (P. Bonello, advisor)

    Fisher 121 (Wooster) and Kottman 244 (Columbus).  The role of tannins in plant defense against ...

  4. GAPS Training: Canfield

    25, 2013. $10.00 per person thanks to a grant from Ohio Dept. of Agriculture April 25, 2013 – Thursday ...

  5. CFAES Career Expo

    To view a list of companies who will be at the expo, log on to Hireabuckeye (select EVENTS) ...

  6. Seminar: Andika Gunadi, MS student, Plant Pathology, Ohio State (A. Dorrance, advisor)

    Fisher 121 (Wooster) and Kottman 244 (Columbus).  Elucidating the Genetic Basis of Rps3- and ...

  7. Cargill Ohio Dairy Challenge


  8. Seminar: Don Nuss, Professor & Director, Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology Research, Univ. of Maryland

    interface:  New insights into RNA silencing, viral RNA recombination and the genetics of fungal non-self ...

  9. CFAES Professional Development Night

    Tickets are $5 from CFAES Student Council Members, the front desk of Ag Admin 100 or Kottman 210. ...

  10. 2011 Ag Day

    Scarlet and Gray Ag Day- 2011 Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... about plant pathology and inspire the next generation of scientists. Above, left to right, Tim Frey, ... Amber Hoffstetter and Caleb Schlegel with demonstrations of wheat and wheat stem rust. Above left, Eddie ...
