
Search results

  1. Have You Heard About the President's Club Football Seating Policy?

    The next few months will be important for those interested in purchasing Ohio State football home season tickets or improving their current seats because of changes in the Ohio Stadium seating policy. The opportunity to purchase football tickets and game- ...

  2. Homecoming Fallfest

    More than 400 alumni and friends of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences gathered Oct. 10 for a tailgate before the Ohio State-University of Maryland football game. ...

  3. State of the College

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has much to take pride in from the past year and important work ahead of it in the future, as described by Dean Bruce McPheron in the State of the College address. If you missed the speech, wat ...

  4. Celebrating Graduation Anniversaries at Homecoming

    Congratulations to those who celebrated their graduation anniversaries at The Ohio State University during Homecoming.  Alums celebrating their 5-year anniversaries were invited back to Homecoming Weekend to reconnect with the College of Food, Agricultura ...

  5. Environmental film series

    Students from Ohio State and members of the broader community will screen and discuss  six weekly environmental films  with university and local experts in October and November. ...

  6. Save the Date for Homecoming 2016

    Save the date for the 2016 Homecoming Weekend and CFAES Fallfest- September, 30- October 2, 2016!  We hope you plan to come back and celebrate your Ohio State experience.  More information regarding Homecoming will be available in the summer.  To stay con ...

  7. CFAES Technologies In Focus at Next Startup Snapshot Nov. 12

    Alumni from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are invited to a technology showcase and networking opportunity at the next Startup Snapshot, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. ...

  8. Be a Social Media Maven!

    Instagram is yet another way to keep up with The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Follow here.   ...

  9. Bright spots in CFAES enrollment report

    The annual enrollment report for CFAES has been released. The following information summarizes the college’s undergraduate and graduate student enrollment data for Autumn Semester 2015.  Undergraduate enrollment trends Agriculture enrollment: 1,833 studen ...

  10. CFAES Student Elected National FFA Officer

    Congratulations to Sydney Snider, a CFAES agricultural communication major from Moscow, Ohio, on being named eastern region vice president for FFA. She’ll serve on the 2015-16 National FFA Officer team, along with students from Arkansas, Tennessee, Iowa, ...
