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April 13, 2015
January 30, 2017
2015 Buckeye Invitational Beef Carcasses
Click on image to zoom. ...
January 22, 2017
Science Fair Judges Needed (and Will be Paid)
The Ohio Soybean Council is seeking individuals to judge youth science fair projects at the 17 district science fairs across Ohio beginning in March. Judges will receive a stipend for a couple hours of judging, and a mileage reimbursement. Please complete ...
Animal Sciences Academic Quadrathlon
Have you ever wanted to test your animal science knowledge against your peers in a fun, competitive environment? Create a team with three of your friends and compete against other teams on the evenings of Feb. 21st and 23rd. FREE food will be provided e ...
Horsemen's Association Meeting
On Tuesday February 7th, OSU Horsemen's Association will have there next meeting at the OSU horse barn. We will have a carpool leaving at 6pm in front of Plumb Hall. This will be an opportunity to have a hands on experience with the horses. As always ...
January 15, 2017
Have you ever wanted to get to know your professors better outside of the classroom? Now is your chance! We will be hosting a fun evening of speed meetings and competitive games on Wednesday, Feb. 15th at 5:15 pm in the Animal Sciences Building, Rm 111. ...
Meat Judging: Various Coaches 1990-2006
Jackson; Marie Rhoades, Versailles; Mike Rainey, Assistant Coach Team Awards: Houston (H): 13th overall, ... Contest: Ames, IA-8th overall, 1rst and 2ndprocessed meats: Howdyshell-8th reasons: Kapp-13th overall; ...